In a groundbreaking exploration of the intersection between neuroscience and artificial intelligence, the 5th Annual Conference of the Neuroscience Society of Nepal is set to take place on May 8th, 2024, at the Nepal Academy of Science & Technology in Lalitpur.
The theme for this year's conference, "Beyond Neurons: Synapsing Mind with AI," promises to delve into the exciting and evolving relationship between neuroscience and artificial intelligence. The event aims to bring together experts, researchers, and enthusiasts from both fields to foster collaborative discussions and share groundbreaking insights.
Researchers, scholars, and professionals interested in presenting their work at the conference are invited to submit their abstracts before the deadline on March 15th, 2024. Abstracts should align with the overarching theme of exploring the synergy between neuroscience and artificial intelligence.
For further details regarding the conference, abstract submission, and participation, interested individuals can reach out to Mr. Mukesh Kumar Jha, the Organizing Secretary. He can be contacted at +977-9842349962.
This conference presents a unique opportunity for participants to engage with cutting-edge research, network with experts in the field, and contribute to the ongoing dialogue surrounding the exciting developments at the intersection of neuroscience and artificial intelligence.
Mark your calendars for May 8th, 2024, as the Neuroscience Society of Nepal invites you to be a part of this intellectually stimulating and innovative event. Stay tuned for updates on this exceptional journey into the realms of the mind and artificial intelligence!